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Detalhes Adicionais Sobre o Ataque à Salman Rushdie

Renomado autor Salman Rushdie revela detalhes adicionais sobre o ataque que o deixou 3️⃣ cego de um olho

Renowned author Salman Rushdie has revealed more details about the knife attack that left him blind in 3️⃣ one eye, telling CBS' "60 Minutes" on Sunday that he had a "premonition" of the event just days beforehand.

Giving his 3️⃣ first television interview since he was stabbed several times on stage shortly before he was due to deliver a lecture 3️⃣ at the Chautauqua Institution in New York in August 2024, the Indian-born novelist told Anderson Cooper he had "dreams of 3️⃣ being attacked in an amphitheater" before going there.

"I said to my wife, Eliza, 'I don't want to go' because of 3️⃣ the dream. And then I thought, 'Don't be silly, it's a dream,'" he recalled.

Acusado de ataque a Rushdie nega as acusações

Hadi Matar, the man accused of stabbing Rushdie and another person on stage, 3️⃣ pleaded not guilty to charges of second-degree attempted murder and second-degree assault.

Matar's trial was initially scheduled for January 8 but 3️⃣ the court granted a request for its delay earlier that month, his attorney Nathaniel Barone toldat the time.

Recuperação de Rushdie 3️⃣ contada no novo livro

Rushdie has now written about the 2024 attack and his recovery from it in a memoir which, 3️⃣ he said, he at first resisted writing, before realizing that he "couldn't write anything else." The memoir, titled "Knife: Meditations 3️⃣ After an Attempted Murder," will be published Tuesday.

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