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The game is similar to candy crush, except that instead of candy, we have Harry Potter characters. The game is 2️⃣ structured on levels, which have an increased level of difficulty as they are passed successfully. At each level, you will 2️⃣ have a limited time to solve it. You will have to match at least 3 characters in the same row 2️⃣ to earn points. Try to solve the level as fast as possible so that in the end you make sure 2️⃣ that you manage to win it.

Here you will also meet boosters or special powers that you receive as a gift 2️⃣ depending on how many characters you join in the same row. For example, if you manage to unite five characters 2️⃣ in the same row, you will receive extra points and extra time to continue the level and manage to collect 2️⃣ more coins. The game is suitable to be played with your friends because they can also give you hints to 2️⃣ help you identify the matches in the game map faster. You will also have fun together and be able to 2️⃣ test your attention together.

Enjoy it!

How to play? use the mouse

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