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Faith Ringgold: Pioneira artista e autora norte-americana falece aos 93 anos

🌟 ( site de aposta do falcão ) - 🌟 A artista e autora Faith Ringgold, conhecida 🌟 por seus tapetes narrativos que entrelaçavam arte com ativismo, morreu aos 93 anos. O falecimento de Ringgold, site de aposta do falcãosite de aposta do falcãocasa 🌟 site de aposta do falcão Nova Jersey no sábado, foi relatado primeiramente pelo New York Times.

🌟 "Faith deixa um legado impactante de ativismo e advocacia 🌟 pela diversidade e inclusão que marcou profundamente o mundo da arte, inspirando incontáveis outras pessoas a usaremsite de aposta do falcãovoz como 🌟 ferramenta de mudança social", disse Dorian Bergen, Presidente das ACA Galleries, que representavam Ringgold há quase três décadas, site de aposta do falcão um 🌟 comunicado fornecido à site de aposta do falcão . "Sentiremos muitosite de aposta do falcãofalta e continuaremos nos comprometendo a continuar essa legacy compartilhando seu 🌟 trabalho, filosofias e vida com o mundo."

🌟 Ringgold, nascida site de aposta do falcão 1930 site de aposta do falcão Harlem durante o Renascimento de Harlem, draws inspiration from 🌟 the tumultuous social realities she lived through. As a student, her formal initiation in the arts was almost curtailed by 🌟 the City College of New York's regulations of the time, which restricted women to specific majors - art not being 🌟 one of them. However, Ringgold's determination led her to strike a deal with a school administrator: her art studies were 🌟 contingent upon primarily enrolling in the school of education, where women were allowed. 🌟

After earning her bachelor's degree in fine art 🌟 and education in 1955, Ringgold began teaching art in public schools while developing her own art. She later received a 🌟 master's degree in art from City College in 1959. Her early work was influenced by civil and racial unrest, and 🌟 had powerful political and social tones.

Série "The American People"

🌟 Entre 1963 e 1967, Ringgold portrayed fraught race relations in America in 🌟 a series of paintings titled "The American People Series." The series' final painting, "American People Series 20: Die," is a 🌟 vivid critique of the violent riots of the Civil Rights era. The painting, arguably the series' most famous, gruesomely depicts 🌟 a group of men, women and children brutally attacking one another. It is now part of the Museum of Modern 🌟 Art's permanent collection.

🌟 "I became fascinated with the ability of art to document the time, place, and cultural identity of the 🌟 artist," she told the Museum of Modern Art. "How could I, as an African American woman artist, document what was 🌟 happening around me?"

🌟 Ringgold's early work did not enjoy much success at the time, driving the mother of two to take 🌟 her activism to the streets for causes such as women's representation - especially of Black women - in mainstream art 🌟 exhibitions and collections. In 1970, Ringgold was arrested and charged with desecrating the American flag for co-organizing the "People's Flag 🌟 Show," an exhibition protesting against the Vietnam War, and for artists' First Amendment right to use the flag as material. 🌟

"They 🌟 didn't keep me in for long because the media was watching," she told the New York Times of her sentencing. 🌟

Quilts de Ringgold

🌟 Around the same time, Ringgold began incorporating new materials into her art. She experimented with sculpting in wood and 🌟 clay, but the dust triggered her asthma eased her to shift ...

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