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Receita Federal launches 'Receita Saúde' app to simplify tax declarations for health professionals

The Brazilian Internal Revenue Service (Received) has launched 🤶 a new app called Receita Saúde for health professionals to declare their income and expenses more efficiently. The app is 🤶 designed to reduce errors in tax declarations and make it easier for professionals to keep track of their finances.

With Receita 🤶 Saúde, health professionals can input their daily income and expenses and generate a digital receipt that can be used as 🤶 proof of payment for tax purposes. The app also allows professionals to access a digital version of their receipts and 🤶 invoices, making it easier to keep track of their finances.

The app is intended to be used by health professionals who 🤶 are sole proprietors, such as doctors, dentists, psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and speech therapists. The app is optional for now, 🤶 but it will become mandatory for tax declarations in 2025.

Andrea Costa Chaves, subsecretary of Fiscalization of the Ministry of Finance, 🤶 said that the app will help reduce the risk of errors in tax declarations and make it easier for professionals 🤶 to prove their expenses. "For the patient, the app will provide an easy way to retrieve their receipts, without the 🤶 need to keep paper receipts. For professionals, it will reduce the risk of them falling into the malha fina, or 🤶 being audited, as the patient will have proof of payment," she said.

The app will also make it easier for the 🤶 Receita Federal to monitor and enforce tax compliance. "The new tool will provide more accuracy and simplicity in the declaration 🤶 of income and expenses, reducing the risk of errors and fiscal evasion," said a Receita Federal spokesperson.

Overall, the launch of 🤶 Receita Saúde represents a significant step forward in the modernization of tax declaration processes in Brazil. It follows other initiatives 🤶 such as the recent change in the calculation of the IRPF, which aims to simplify tax declarations for individuals and 🤶 reduce errors.

"O time conquista a partida com 3 gols na parte." (A equipe venceu o jogo, marcando três golos.)

Gols na Partida

Jogo ⚾️ 1

Jogo 2

Em conclusão, "3 gols na partida" refere-se ao número de golos marcados por uma equipa num jogo. É útil ⚾️ para os fãs e comentadores descreverem o desempenho da equipe numa determinada luta

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anterior:casa de apostas bet

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